
Catriona has been a huge support to me over the last few years. I have been through a number of really challenging periods in my life dealing with relationship breakdown, career changes, COVID lockdown all requiring me to reassess and reset my life direction and goals. Catriona has enabled me to lift myself out of bouts of severe anxiety self-doubt and start trusting myself and my decisions. Her approach combines empathy and kindness to guide her acupuncture treatments to focus on gaining sustainable improvement.

I have no hesitation in recommending Catriona.


Catriona helped me immensely with migraines and transitioning into the menopause. I found her to be welcoming, caring and very knowledgeable about acupuncture and other alternative therapies.

Her holistic approach really worked for me and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her.


Catriona has helped me so much with peri menopausal symptoms. I was exhausted from lack of sleep and anxious with heart palpitations. After just 3 treatments of acupuncture I’m sleeping better and no longer have the palpations. I’m calmer and have more energy too.

Catriona is a fabulous therapist and very caring, she has a warm personality and instinctively knows exactly where to place the needles during each session.


Catriona is a very talented lady who has given such a boost to my well being and a big reduction in my pain levels that I have been amazed.

She tuned into my issues sensitively and after my first 2 hour session with her I felt well on the road to recovery.

I cannot recommend Catriona strongly enough. She is calm, understanding, empathetic and a wonderful practitioner. I had no knowledge of Chinese Acupuncture but it works so well and so quickly that it is worth a try if you have any problems that Catriona thinks that she can address.

Hopefully this may help others to feel better as remarkably quickly as my experience.


I had been suffering from severe toothache which meant I could only drink through a straw with my head tilted to one side.  I’d never experienced pain like this before.  I have a phobia with dentists, thus hadn’t seen a dentist for 18 years, but reluctantly ended up in his chair due to the intense pain.  The dentist said he couldn’t see anything wrong and sent me away with Sensodyne toothpaste.

Catriona is a friend and offered me a treatment to see if it would help to relieve my pain.  I was sceptical, but Catriona made me feel at ease and after the treatment my pain had lessened and the following day, around 12 hours after my treatment I was completely pain free.  Six months later I’m still pain free and haven’t needed to see a dentist.

For someone who is scared of dentists and very sceptical about alternative therapies, I was really amazed how Catriona’s treatment helped me with my severe toothache.  I recommend Catriona and her treatment to anyone who’s looking for an honest, down to earth, caring acupuncturist .

Tim Bennett

Following a sudden shock, and subsequent stressful few months, I became very ill. Allopathic medicine was of no use to me and the usual methods of coping and recovery were not working at all. I was feeling permanently nauseous, dizzy, and unable to sleep, exhausted and had a sudden onset of what appeared to be peri-menopausal sweats. Catriona patiently took the time to understand what was going on in my life – my mind and my body, and came up with a plan to help me. I no longer have insomnia and I no longer get sweats. She calmed my whole system down so it could repair and go back to a happier, healthier status quo. In addition, seeing Catriona every week was like going to see a counsellor. With her support I made life-changing decisions that I wouldn’t have otherwise made.

Catriona is not just “doing a job”. She is incredibly caring and passionate about what she does and goes the extra mile to help you as much as she can. She is a very intuitive acupuncturist as well as a skilled counsellor. She has a calming, sensible and educated point of view. She embodies what acupuncture is supposed to be all about, in its true sense – treating you as a whole – not just sticking a few needles into you and leaving you to it! She backs up her treatments with lifestyle advice – diet, exercise etc. She gives encouragement and kindness – she gives of herself. She is an inspiring acupuncturist. You will not get better treatment anywhere!.


Before I saw Catriona I was getting stabbing pains in my left eye almost constantly throughout the day. These cluster headaches were debilitating and stopping me concentrating. After the treatment series – they went completely. I cannot believe how effective her treatment was. I felt very confident in Catriona’s care as she was very well prepared and very knowledgeable about her area of practice. I felt she had excellent listening skills and was holistic in that she advised me on some techniques to manage stress and make time for myself. I have recommended her to friends and would definitely go back to her in the future.

Nicola (Busy Mum and Senior Health Professional)

I recently took my young son to see Catriona, he had a sore shoulder and was unable to play competitive tennis. After three acupuncture treatments with Catriona the pain had pretty much gone. My son is only 11 years old and suffers with mild anxiety as well, so I was unsure as to how the treatments would be and how he would respond, but the whole experience was amazing. Catriona immediately created a relaxing space where he felt safe and open to the treatment. She was gentle in her approach and took the time to explain what she was doing and why. My son completely relaxed and connected with her, whilst enjoying the treatment. Three treatments later the pain had subsided. I would have no hesitation in taking him to see Catriona in the future.


I had a very painful foot which had been diagnosed as Moreton’s neuroma, I became more and more inactive. My foot would erupt in an excruciating nerve pain whenever I put my foot to the ground and in the evening, it would feel very sore. The NHS could only offer a 50% success surgery option – I felt desperate.

From the very first treatment with Catriona the pain went and I became more confident to start going for walks again. As well as the physical improvements, Catriona’s holistic approach also addressed my general sense of wellbeing, and the emotional care and support she gave me over the series of treatments was second to none and gave me a real boost.

Sara (a Mental Health professional)